Lee Benton > Posts tagged "Victory Road with Lee Benton"

Guests Dr. Martin Bales and Maurice Bales

Dr. Martin Bales, Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, along with his father, Maurice Bales, are the creators and developers of Firefly Therapy. Maurice Bales developed the first digital Infrared camera and the first Photonic Stimulator be to be approved by the FDA. Martin Bales...

Guest Dr. Bita Badakhshan

Best known to her patients as “Dr. Bita”, her underlying philosophy is to take the holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment rather than simply covering symptoms with medications. Dr. Bita has obtained extensive experience in both primary and urgent care, treating occupational injuries, and aesthetic...

Guest Terra Newell

Terra Newell- Survivor and Domestic Abuse Advocate, with her dog Cash, tells her "Dirty John" survival story and educates our audience on the red flags in dating. Terra hosts her own podcast called “Time Out With Terra” where she covers her life, love, mental wellness,...